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About the bend

Local Action Groups "Lower Vistula River Bend" is a partnership arrangement of people and institutions interested in rural development and improving quality of life. Partnership tied in February 16, 2006 and took the form of association, composed of representatives of municipalities, NGOs, enterprises, public institutions. It was established in consultation local residents and four neighboring municipalities: Dabrowa Chelminska, Kijewo Krolewskie, Pruszcz and Unisławia. 

LAG's area is located in the beautiful valley of the Vistula, having a rich and undervalued natural and landscape. Here we have clean air, excellent microclimate (high humidity, low rainfall), the diversified of the terrain (slope of moraine plateaus). Biological conditions for many hundreds of years predisposed this area to grow clean products. Before World War I and the interwar period in almost every farm on the slopes or in valley orchards expected. There were a variety here perfectly suited to the climatic conditions prevailing here, with rich taste and processing. 

On the other hand, at each step we encounter here an excellent material culture. Old, prehistoric and medieval castles, palaces, manor parks, monuments, Mennonite culture. Land ?Loos? This area of the former Chełmno Land, the land battles of the Polish identity, national identity. It is also an area of mixing different cultures, the indigenous inhabitants of Pomerania and the earliest settlers, and the subsequent menonickich before and after World War II. 
And it is on these values, the natural-historical heritage of the Lower Vistula River Valley, has resisted his action? Lower Vistula River Bend?. We thought that you need to remind people about the bounty that we have, which is available on the site. We want that ?products? add value, by reactivate disappeared last 50 years, ties between the local economy and natural resources. 

We do not want to close it. All the time waiting for new members, people "positively crazy? who would like to work with us. They do not have to be people from the area of our communities and those wishing to work for our site or have convergent interests. Declarations of accession to Downloads.

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