Napisał Super UserTourist Guidebook
Both the contents and images contained in the Guide and other publications are protected by copyright. Exploitation and processing of these materials without permission is prohibited.
Table of contents | Pages |
1 - 23 |
The world of nature | 24 - 37 |
From the history page | 38 - 47 |
Wanderings along the Lower Vistula Bend | 48 - 59 |
Around Dąbrowa Chełmińska | 60 - 77 |
The Unisław Basin | 78 - 85 |
The region of Kijewo Królewskie | 86 - 97 |
Travelling with taste | 98 - 119 |
Sport, tourism, recreation | 120 - 127 |
Agrotourism farms | 128 - 137 |
Regular outdoor events | 138 - 143 |
Marked tourist routes | 144 - 157 |
Important addresses and telephone numbers | 158 |
Cover |
For proper viewing of the tourist guide travels around the bend of the Lower Vistula, it is necessary to install the free Adobe Reader software
Honeys of the Lower Vistula River Valley
"Vistula region and the honey is known today, among them the best are those from the Lower Vistula. This is a sign of their presence on the List of Traditional Products. It is merit of the local beekeepers passionately devoted to this ancient craft. And the wonderful nature in many places..."
In the folder "Land flowing with milk and honey" contains information about the rich tradition of beekeeping Lower Vistula River Valley, will be announced several types of honey produced here and we'll find out why the resulting delicacy here is so unique.
Konkursy Prow
Napisał Super UserInformacje na temat poszczególnych naborów znajdują się w zakładkach po lewej stronie.
W dniu 25 maja 2010 r. odbyło się zebranie Rady Lokalnej Grupy Działania "Zakole Dolnej Wisły" w celu oceny wniosków złożonych w ramach działania 413 "Wdrażanie lokalnych strategii rozwoju" dla małych projektów tj. operacji, które nie odpowiadają warunkom przyznania pomocy w ramach działań Osi 3, ale przyczyniają się do osiągnięcia celów tej Osi objętego PROW 2007-2013.
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