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Tourist Guidebook
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Table of contents | Pages |
1 - 23 |
The world of nature | 24 - 37 |
From the history page | 38 - 47 |
Wanderings along the Lower Vistula Bend | 48 - 59 |
Around Dąbrowa Chełmińska | 60 - 77 |
The Unisław Basin | 78 - 85 |
The region of Kijewo Królewskie | 86 - 97 |
Travelling with taste | 98 - 119 |
Sport, tourism, recreation | 120 - 127 |
Agrotourism farms | 128 - 137 |
Regular outdoor events | 138 - 143 |
Marked tourist routes | 144 - 157 |
Important addresses and telephone numbers | 158 |
Cover |
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Honeys of the Lower Vistula River Valley
"Vistula region and the honey is known today, among them the best are those from the Lower Vistula. This is a sign of their presence on the List of Traditional Products. It is merit of the local beekeepers passionately devoted to this ancient craft. And the wonderful nature in many places..."
In the folder "Land flowing with milk and honey" contains information about the rich tradition of beekeeping Lower Vistula River Valley, will be announced several types of honey produced here and we'll find out why the resulting delicacy here is so unique.
European Taste Trail Network
The project aims to valorize and promote local products and cultural and social heritage of the countryside. Implies active cooperation of local governments and organizations on rural development.
The variety and quality of the typical local products is one of the most strategic resources of agricultural land in Europe. The intention of the program is not only the promotion of local raw materials but also to facilitate access to them up to create a thriving market itself, in which the products will be available. This must be possible through the cooperation of representatives from three sectors (public, social and economic) to the local economy and the exchange of experiences between countries of the European Union.
The project began with the Italian Tuscan LAGs FarMaremma in 2006. So far the European Taste Trail?s, members are 8 Local Action Groups from 8 countries: Italy, Spain, Wales, Ireland, Czech, Hungarian, Greek and Poland. Periodically held a meeting of partners in different countries. Nearby scheduled meeting will be held in Poland 21-24 August in the territory of the Lower Vistula River Bend.
Implementation of LSR
Implementation of LSR 2009-2015
In programm of "Implementing local development strategies" can obtain financing for the following tasks:
- Diversification into non-agricultural activities
- Creation and development of micro - companies
- Village renewal and development
- Small projects
1. Diversification into non-agricultural activities
Money for what?
1) Assistance shall be granted for taking up or development activities:
2) services for agricultural or forestry;
3) services for population;
4) wholesale and retail;
5) trade or handicraft;
6) works and services, construction and installation;
7) tourism and related sports, recreation and leisure;
8) transport services;
9) utilities;
10) processing of agricultural products and edible forest products;
11) warehousing or storage of goods;
12) production of energy from biomass;
13) accounting, consulting and IT services.
Who can get help?
An individual insured under the Act of 20 December 1990 social insurance for farmers, as a farmer, the farmer's spouse or household member.
The form and amount of aid:
Reimbursement for 50% of the eligible costs of the operation up to max. 100,000 zł.
2. Creation and development of micro ? companies
Money for what?
1) services for agricultural or forestry;
2) services for population;
3) wholesale and retail;
4) trade or handicraft;
5)works and services, construction and installation;
6)tourism and related sports, recreation and leisure;
7) transport services;
8) utilities;
9) processing of agricultural products and edible forest products;
10) warehousing or storage of goods;
11) production of energy from biomass;
12)accounting, consulting and IT services.
Who can get help?
A individual or legal person or agency having legal personality, which leads (take) a micro-enterprise activity with fewer than 10 people, and having turnover exceeding the equivalent in zł of 2 million euro.
The form and amount of aid:
1) 100 000 zł - if the business plan envisages the creation of 1 to 2 regular posts full-time equivalent average), which is justified by the material scope of operations;
2) 200 000 zł - if the business plan envisages the creation of more than 2 and less than 5 regular posts (in FTE average), which is justified by the material scope of operations;
3) 300 000 zł - if the business plan envisages the creation of at least 5 regular posts (in FTE average), which is justified by the material scope of the operation.
In the case of processing of agricultural products (covered by Annex 1 to
Treaty of the European Communities) or edible forest products, the maximum
the amount of aid granted to any one beneficiary, during the execution of the Program is 100 000 zł.
3. Village renewal and development
Money for what?
Financial assistance granted to operators for investment in:
1)construction, reconstruction, repair of facilities or equipment:
a)discharging public functions, socio-cultural, recreational and sports,
b)for promoting rural development, including promoting and maintaining
historical heritage, traditions, art and culture,
2)making the area a public space;
3)building renovation or reconstruction of infrastructure related to the development of tourist functions, sports and socio-cultural;
4)purchase of objects characteristic of the tradition of building in the region, including the building of monuments, to be used for public purposes;
5)restoration, display and preservation of local historical monuments, buildings, monuments and places of memory;
6)tradition of cultivating the local community and traditional professions.
Who can get help?
Legal person: community, cultural institution for which the entity is organized
local government, church or other religious association, organization
Non-governmental organization with the status of public benefit (as defined in the Act
24 April 2003 on public benefit activities and voluntary work).
The form and amount of aid:
Reimbursement of up to 75% of eligible project costs. The maximum amount for projects in one place is 500 000 zł and a minimum 25 000 zł.
Required national contribution of public funds amounting to at least 25% of eligible project costs, comes from its own resources of the beneficiary.
4. Small projects
Money for what?
1)Raising awareness of the local community, including through training and other activities of an educational workshop for actors and the area covered by LSR, other than those carried out under the action referred to in Article. 5, paragraph. 1, point 1 of the Act of 7 March 2007. to promote rural development with the participation of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development;
2)Raising the quality of life of local communities in the area covered by the LSR, including:
- Providing equipment and computer equipment, including facilities and equipment
allowing access to the Internet,
- Organization of cultural events, recreational or sporting;
3)Developing local community activities, including:
- Promotion of local cultural creativity with the use of local heritage,
including cultural, historical or natural,
- Cultivation of local traditions, rituals and customs,
- Cultivating a regional language and dialect,
- Cultivating the traditional professions and crafts;
- The development of tourism and recreation in the area covered by the LSR, including:
- Create or modernize the base and selected tourist information
websites, preparation and publication of folders and other publications
information concerning the area covered by the LSR,
- The construction, reconstruction or marking small tourist infrastructure in
particular vantage points, places of recreation or camping, trails
Cross-country skiing or downhill, waterways, cycle routes,
horse trails, walking paths or teaching;
- Conservation, restoration, preservation or marking of valuable local
landscape and natural heritage, in particular areas
various forms of nature conservation, including the Natura 2000;
4)Preservation of local historical and cultural heritage, including:
- Reconstruction or renovation of buildings or marking, or small objects
registered in the architecture or the historical records of the provincial
- Renewal of the roof or external elevations of buildings entered into the register
monuments or historical records of provincial,
- Repair or equipment of museums,
- Repair or recreation facilities in rural;
5)Initiating the generation, processing or marketing of products and services based on local resources, traditional sectors of the economy and local heritage, including cultural, historical or natural, or improving the quality of such products;
- Use of energy from renewable sources in order to improve conditions for the pursuit of economic or cultural activity, including agriculture.
- Development of local activity and economic cooperation by initiating the formation,
- The development, processing, market and raise the quality of products and services based on local resources, including natural raw materials and agricultural and forest products, traditional sectors of the economy and the local cultural heritage, historical and natural.
Who can get help?
1.Individuals who are:
- Nationals of EU Member State,
- Adult,
- Check for permanent residence in the area covered by the LSR, or carry out business activities in this area;
2.Legal persons or organizational units without legal personality,
- The Act confer legal capacity:
- Operating under the provisions of the relations between the State and the Catholic Church in the Polish Republic, for your relationship to other churches and religious associations and the guarantees of freedom of conscience and religion, established in the area covered by the LSR, or operating in the area covered by the LSR, or created on the basis of provisions of laws, including foundations or associations, which are resident in the area covered by the LSR, or conduct business in this area.
The form and amount of aid:
Reimbursement of no more than 70% of eligible costs of the operation.
The amount of aid granted for the performance of operations may not be less than 4500 zł and shall not exceed 25.000 zł.
Where can I get money?
Applications for funding the costs of the project will be made after the announcement of the competition. Information about the competition will be published in local newspapers and on the www.zakolewisly.pl and offices will be transferred to the 4 municipalities included in the Bend.
Assistance in completing the application will be available in the office of the Vistula River Bend LAG offices and municipalities.
Leader in Europe
It is a program of the European Union, which emerged in the early 90s of the twentieth century, countermeasures to the growing problems of the European countryside: the dangers caused by mass development of extensive agricultural production, reducing the number of farms (especially those small family), the gradual desertification of rural areas, fading traditions and values of rural communities. The growing gap between the countryside and the city gave birth to the need to support rural development by the European Union. In this way, was the LEADER initiative. Name of LEADER is the acronym of the French name of the Liaison Entre Actions de Development de l? Economie Rurale, which means the relationship between measures of rural economic development, namely the cooperation between various actors in the countryside or rural development and its inhabitants.
In 1991 started the implementation of a new method consisting of multi-faceted rural development as a place not only agricultural production but also development of other sectors of the economy, a good place to live, preserving natural and cultural riches. Novelty of this approach was also extensive involvement of local residents in the development of his? Little homeland?.
This new form of action, with financial support from the EU budget quickly brought the desired results, proved to be an effective way to deal with the rural issues.
The method of the program can be effective when used rules LEADER:
Bottom-up approach- concepts of joint action, influencing the development of the area have come out from the same population ?local leaders?;
People involved in creating a vision to develop the area working in partnership, including planning and implementation of the representatives of three sectors: social, economic and public, who organize the Local Action Groups;
Integrated approach- manifests itself in combining operations, resources and development opportunities of representatives of different sectors. Activities so far begin to diffuse complement, stimulate;
A territorial approach is to find areas consistent in terms of geographical, economic, historical, cultural, natural micro-(and not administrative units) and building their local strategies taking into account their specific;
Innovation- experimentation, the search for new effective approaches and methods for integrated and sustainable development;
Local financing and management- means so that the funds for the development, implementation of local strategies to get a partnership, a group of persons cooperating for the development of his ?small homeland?;
Networking and cooperation between partnerships - joint projects, exchange of experience on a regional scale and international development and stimulates innovation and increases the impact LEADER-type approach.
Community Initiative, LEADER has been created and used as a kind of experiment but quickly found many supporters and triggered a huge potential in the European inhabitants of the village. Is now widely used in many European regions and gives visible results sustainable, integrated rural development. In the countries of the old 15 European Union operate 892 Local Action Groups in 73 programs. In nine countries are the national programs and in six - programs developed and supported by regional authorities.
Leader in Poland
Poland entered the European Union structures in 2004, when the LEADER + program (for 2000- 2006) was implemented, and only through the efforts of many institutions and organizations involved in rural development occurred a Pilot Program in the LEADER +. Institution responsible for the shape of this action is the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development while engaged in the implementation of the Foundation of Assistance Programs for Agriculture (FAPA).
The pilot program LEADER + has been divided into two phases- schemes. The first one carried out in late 2005 and in 2006 was designed to prepare local communities to work together to build the organizational framework in the form of Local Action Groups.
Villagers who want to work in mainstream leader must first know and understand the rules, then learn to work in partnership, carry out joint projects involving representatives of three sectors: social, economic and public life. A new form of action involving a comprehensive look at the area, not through the prism of their village or community, their institution or company but a much broader, addressing the needs of the wider community, and much more development possibilities. Therefore, the action PPL + in the first schema resources were used to build the structure of the LAG and the Integrated Rural Development Strategy. LAG could take the form of foundations, associations, or associations connection. The financial support for the establishment of LAGs could apply for and schedule local rural and urban-rural or their associations, legal persons: foundations, associations and unions and NGOs. LEADER + Pilot Program was implemented in rural communities or urban-rural, the area inhabited by 10 to 100 thousand inhabitants (an area of at least one seat). To the scheme joined 174 beneficiaries. In this scheme, did not participate, none of the municipalities, which then formed the Lower Vistula River Bend LAG.
Our Leader
The schedule II of the Pilot Program will pursue a Leader + project "The use of cultural and natural heritage area of the Lower Vistula Loops." This project consists of 11 sub-projects. All persons interested co-realization or activities under these projects are invited to contact the persons listed below:
Revitalize recreation areas as centers of cultural village- Teresa Matuszewska, Unislavia, tel. 48 56 686 61 76, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Agrotourism as an opportunity to develop multifunctional farms - study visits, seminars- Jerzy Tomkiewicz, Dąbrowa Chełmińska, tel. 48 52 38 16 152, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Energy crop - seminars to promote alternative energy sources and environmental issues among farmers and other inhabitants of LAGs- Sebastian Kendra, Pruszcz, tel. 48 52 56 28 672, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Preparation of documentation for the investments to improve the quality of life in the cultural and social life - Marek Chojnacki, Unislavia , tel. 48 56 686 60 06, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Edition calendar of cultural events and sports from the area of the LAG ZDW - Barbara Paczka, Pruszcz, tel. 48 52 562 87 17, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cycle of feasts of inter - Barbara Gandziarowska, Dąbrowa Chełmińska, tel. 48 52 381 60 05, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Conducting training in methods of cultivation, processing and marketing of local products- Mariola Epa, KPODR in Przysiek, tel. 48 56 611 09 20, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Traditional crops in the region of Vistula River Bend meanders preserve the tradition and use in order to obtain additional sources of income of rural residents (study visits, training)- Robert Gonia, The complex of the Lower Vistula Valley Landscape Park, tel. 48 52 33 15 000, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Promotion of local products under the banner of a reserved trade mark "Product of the Vistula River Bend"- Krzysztof Nowacki, Kijewo Królewskie, tel. 48 56 676 44 36,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
An inventory of the natural resources, historical and cultural heritage and make their adjustment in terms of tourism development - Robert Gonia, The complex of the Lower Vistula Valley Landscape Park, tel. 48 52 33 15 000, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Preparation and edition of the guide, maps and a website that promotes the attractions of the LAG area ZDW - Krzysztof Nowacki, Kijewo Królewskie, tel. 48 56 676 44 36, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We also provide a free consultancy services to prepare an investment project is in line with the objectives of the Integrated Rural Development Strategy
About The Leader
Poland joined the European Union in 2004, in connection with this program LEADER + "started" in the form of pilot program, and met with great interest of rural communities. The first stage of implementation of LEADER was to build partnerships, or local action groups in rural areas. ...
Local Action Group "Lower Vistula River Bend" is a partnership arrangement of people and institutions interested in rural development and improving quality of life. Partnership set in February 16, 2006 and took the form of association, composed of representatives of municipalities, NGOs, enterprises, public institutions. It was established in consultation local residents and four neighboring municipalities:
PRESIDENT - Krzysztof Nowacki
VICE PRESIDENT - Barbara Gandziarowska
VICE PRESIDENT - Jarosław Michałek
CASHIER - Krzysztof Rak
Local Action Group "Zakole Dolnej Wisły"
Kijewo Królewskie 15
86-253 Kijewo Królewskie
tel. +48 56 676 44 36
About the bend
Local Action Groups "Lower Vistula River Bend" is a partnership arrangement of people and institutions interested in rural development and improving quality of life. Partnership tied in February 16, 2006 and took the form of association, composed of representatives of municipalities, NGOs, enterprises, public institutions. It was established in consultation local residents and four neighboring municipalities: Dabrowa Chelminska, Kijewo Krolewskie, Pruszcz and Unisławia.
LAG's area is located in the beautiful valley of the Vistula, having a rich and undervalued natural and landscape. Here we have clean air, excellent microclimate (high humidity, low rainfall), the diversified of the terrain (slope of moraine plateaus). Biological conditions for many hundreds of years predisposed this area to grow clean products. Before World War I and the interwar period in almost every farm on the slopes or in valley orchards expected. There were a variety here perfectly suited to the climatic conditions prevailing here, with rich taste and processing.
On the other hand, at each step we encounter here an excellent material culture. Old, prehistoric and medieval castles, palaces, manor parks, monuments, Mennonite culture. Land ?Loos? This area of the former Chełmno Land, the land battles of the Polish identity, national identity. It is also an area of mixing different cultures, the indigenous inhabitants of Pomerania and the earliest settlers, and the subsequent menonickich before and after World War II.
And it is on these values, the natural-historical heritage of the Lower Vistula River Valley, has resisted his action? Lower Vistula River Bend?. We thought that you need to remind people about the bounty that we have, which is available on the site. We want that ?products? add value, by reactivate disappeared last 50 years, ties between the local economy and natural resources.
We do not want to close it. All the time waiting for new members, people "positively crazy? who would like to work with us. They do not have to be people from the area of our communities and those wishing to work for our site or have convergent interests. Declarations of accession to Downloads.